What are the Big 3 of Hitting?

Measurable and trainable aspects of hitting that coaches and players should focus their training around.

  • Bat Speed

    See why bat speed is king in player development and how we train it in gym.

  • Bat-to-Ball (Smash Factor)

    See how Bat-to-Ball skills can be measured, how they can impact a hitter and our favorite ways of training it in gym.

  • Approach (Swing Decisions)

    Learn how you can track and train Swing Decisions in your regular training.

Why the Big 3 of Hitting?

Learn How Driveline Focuses our Hitting Training

See the high level statistical overview that make the Big 3 so important and measurable ways to train them.

  • Learn the most efficient ways to measure bat speed and how we set up flips and BP to get the most out of bat speed training.

  • See our favorite tools for working on smash factor and how we fit them in to our daily structure.

  • Learn how you can introduce swing decisions into regular training and use a free tool to make swing decisions data driven.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to the Big 3 of Hitting!

    • Introduction and Overview of the Big 3

  2. 2
    • Bat Speed Description and Explainer

    • Smash Factor Description and Explainer

    • Swing Decision Description and Explainer

    • Big 3 of Hitting Description and Explainer Quiz

  3. 3
    • Training Bat Speed

    • Training Smash Factor

    • Training Swing Decisions

    • The Big 3, wOBA and other Statistics

    • Using Driveline's Free Contact Tracker to Improve Smash Factor and Swing Decisions

    • Big 3 of Hitting Training & Statistics Quiz