What Coaches Are Saying

Hear from coaches who have passed Foundations of Hitting

Brent H Blegen

High School Coach

You guys do a great job of breaking things down so they're easy to digest. I also appreciate all the information you make available and how detailed you are.

Matt Downs

Spalding University

Helped me align our language and build a base of information that we communicate with our players early and allow them to blend in drills and bucket work that they review their own video and build out there plan.

Brink Ambler

DI College Coach

The structure of the program was intuitive and laid groundwork for a systematic approach to development. The blending of theory and practice was evident and highly valuable. I was able to use knowledge gained directly from this course to help create in-depth player development plans for our guys during the COVID shut down last spring and summer.

Become a Driveline Certified Coach

This course contains 30 videos teaching our fundamentals of training and programming hitters. Learn the framework of the hitting sequence, the basics of our drill work, how to design practices, and year-round programming templates with adjustments. Our courses are the result of continually tested and retested methology.

  • Learn the framework that Driveline uses to examine hitting mechanics, based on years of data collected from hitting technologies

  • Learn the ins and outs of drill work and when to apply different drills

  • Learn how to apply programming based on an assessment and how to program hitters throughout a year

What to Expect

A comprehensive online course on all things hitting

Coaches are constantly needing to problem solve with their players in order to improve their performance. With recent changes in the game, along with improvements in technology, player development has become a large focus. Not only are coaches looking for players to develop, but players are actively looking for the best coaches to help them do so.

In today’s day and age, there is more information than ever—more drills and different types of video breakdowns and preferred mechanics, on top of changes in scouting driven by technological advances. Coaches today don’t need more drills—they need to know when and how to apply them.

This course will teach you the basics of the system that Driveline Baseball uses to train hitters. Not only do we cover the dos and dont's of all our drills and programming, but we also show you how to think about mechanics and making mechanical changes. We teach you how to problem solve and think like a Driveline trainer, using the same course that we use internally.

  • 30 videos encompassing the fundamentals of training and programming hitters

  • Learn key sport science and motor learning concepts that drive how we think about practice

  • Obtain a basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology

  • Gain mechanical insights powered by years of biomechanics collected via K-Vest and bat sensors, enabling you to learn and teach the key mechanical concepts to drive your players’ training

  • Learn how to break down mechanics by position and phase of the swing

  • Gain a basic understanding of the biomechanics of the swing using K-Vest 

  • Learn key aspects of utilizing bat sensors with your hitters, and the metrics we focus on

  • Explore what we know about hitter vision

  • Look into batted ball metrics and basic sabermetric concepts

  • Learn both big-picture and specific swing flaw programming, enabling you to mix and match drills to meet your players’ needs

Course curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • Introduction to Practice Design and Constraints

    • Introduction to Practice Design and Feedback

    • Introduction to Practice Design and Feedback Quiz

    • Coaching Cues, Attentional Focus and Intent

    • Coaching Cues, Attentional Focus and Intent Quiz

    • Application of a Constraints-Led Approach

    • Application of a Constraints-Led Approach Quiz

  3. 3
  4. 4
    • Introduction to the Phases of the Swing

    • The Load Phase and Loaded Position

    • The Load Phase and Loaded Position Quiz

    • The Stride Phase and Launch Position

    • The Stride Phase and Launch Position Quiz

    • The Swing Phase and Impact Position

    • The Swing Phase and Impact Position Quiz

  5. 5
    • Introduction to the Biomechanics of the Swing

    • Intro to KVest and Page 1 Graphs and Terms

    • Intro to KVest and Page 1 Graphs and Terms Quiz

    • Peak Speed, Speed Gain and Page 1 Checklist

    • Peak Speed, Speed Gain and Page 1 Checklist Quiz

    • Positional Graphs

    • Positional Graphs Quiz

    • Performance Graphs

    • Performance Graphs Quiz

  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
    • Introduction to Assessment Based Programming

    • Introduction to Programming

    • Introduction to Programming Quiz

    • Bat Speed Programming

    • Bat Speed Programming Quiz

    • Swing Quickness Programming

    • Swing Quickness Programming Quiz

    • Attack Angle Programming

    • Attack Angle Programming Quiz

    • "Spray" Focused Programming

    • "Spray" Focused Programming Quiz

    • Zone and Approach Programming

    • Zone and Approach Programming Quiz

  10. 10
    • Introduction to Biomechanics and Team Based Programming

    • Load Phase and Loaded Position Programming

    • Load Phase and Loaded Position Programming Quiz

    • Stride Phase and Launch Position Programming

    • Stride Phase and Launch Position Programming Quiz

    • Swing Phase and Impact Position Programming

    • Swing Phase and Impact Position Programming Quiz

    • Team BP Drills

    • Team BP Drills Quiz

    • Programming Review

    • Programming Review Quiz

Reviews of Foundations of Hitting

5 star rating

Highly Recommend

Jordan Reyes

The Driveline Foundations of Hitting Course was exactly what I was looking for. I am very science oriented and need to say facts/data and it did not fail to ...

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The Driveline Foundations of Hitting Course was exactly what I was looking for. I am very science oriented and need to say facts/data and it did not fail to disappoint. I'm looking forward to applying the knowledge gained in this course to my athletes and getting them closer to their developmental potential.

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5 star rating

All Encompassing

sean obrien

Great info on small details of hitting. Intro to some tech and data I've only had small access to. Programming items were great to start implementing into wh...

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Great info on small details of hitting. Intro to some tech and data I've only had small access to. Programming items were great to start implementing into what we are doing and plan to do in future. Assessment topics were great to pinpoint where to start looking.

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Course Details

Driveline’s Foundations of Hitting course is entirely online and self-paced.

No coach is considered certified until they have completed the final quiz of the course.

Each video is followed by a short quiz. Coaches must score 80% or higher to move on to the next section.

Upon completion of the course, coaches will be considered certified. We do not give permission to individuals or programs to represent themselves as “Driveline”, but instructors may represent themselves as “Driveline-certified” or a variant that is appropriate.

Coaches who pass will not be listed as certified on Driveline’s website, but we may confirm completion upon request.