What's Inside

This course covers every hitter’s favorite topic—hitting mechanics. In this course, we cover everything you need to know about the swing from the ground up, including key checkpoints and body positions at each phase of the swing. If you are looking for more information on how the body is supposed to work throughout the swing, then this is the course for you. 

Key Lessons 

  • Our most popular hitting drills

  • How to identify flaws in drills and cues to fix them

  • Correcting common swing flaws 

  • Biomechanics and basic movement principles applied to the swing 

  • Importance of posture throughout the swing 

  • Bat path and swing depth 

Hitting is all about making adjustments. Every hitting coach and every hitter needs to be able to spot a problem and make changes quickly. Once you finish this course, you'll be able to do just that. With a greater understanding of what the swing should look like, you will be able to spot many of the common swing flaws and come up with a plan to address whatever issue is presenting itself. 

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Swing Posture Basics Explained - (04:04)

    • Swing Posture: Pelvic Forward Bend - (03:50)

    • Swing Posture: Pelvis Rotation - (03:36)

    • Swing Posture Part 1 Quiz

    • Swing Posture X Factor - (04:19)

    • Swing Posture: Torso Rotation - (05:33)

    • Swing Posture: Torso and Side Bend - (05:39)

    • Swing Posture Part 2 Quiz

  2. 2
    • Considering Swing Depth During Tee Work - (05:27)

    • Drills For Training Swing Depth - (03:06)

    • Point of Contact & Swing Depth - (03:43)

  3. 3
    • Correcting Swing Flaws: Dumping The Barrel - (04:59)

    • Correcting Swing Flaws: Backwards Posture - (04:22)

    • Correcting Swing Flaws: Hanging Back - (03:34)

    • Correcting Swing Flaws: Sway - (04:35)

    • Correcting Swing Flaws Part 1 Quiz

    • Swing Flaws Part 1: Poor Sequencing - (11:01)

    • Swing Flaws Part 2: Attack Angle - (07:04)

    • Swing Flaws Part 3: Swing Direction & Depth - (05:36)

    • Swing Flaws Part 2 Quiz