What's Inside

This course teaches coaches the basics of programming and how to make better programming decisions based on different times of the year. Understanding the basics of programming is key to playing out a year and getting the most out of your pitchers when it counts.

  • Learn the fundamental concepts that all coaches need to understand on how coaches can program their pitchers
  • See how velocity work is seasonal and why the fall makes the most sense for developing velocity
  • Find out creative ways that pitchers can program around their winter breaks
  • Learn how to make the most out of your time mound blending your pitchers to be ready for the season
  • See how you can continue to assess and re-test in season
  • Review different ways you can incorporate command wok for in-season pitchers

This mini-course forms the foundation of what pitching coaches need to know to program their pitchers year-round.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Considerations With Developing Velocity During the Fall - (12:21)

    • Velocity Training and Workload in the Fall - (13:27)

    • Fall Seasonal Based Programming - (03:45)

    • Implementing Driveline Protocols Into Fall Practice - (11:31)

    • Seasonal Velocity Work - (03:45)

  2. 2
    • Programming Around Breaks - (14:02)

    • Programming After Winter Break - (07:39)

  3. 3
    • Why Do We Pulldown? - (02:23)

    • Footwork Options for Pulldowns - (01:28)

    • Troubleshooting Pulldown Mechanics - (04:29)

    • Trainer Roundtable on Pulldowns - (10:17)

  4. 4
    • Basics of Mound Blending - (03:00)

    • Weighted Balls and Mound Blending - (18:56)

    • Mound Blending Throwing Plyos Off the Mound - (10:58)

    • Mound Blending During Velocity Work - (13:01)

  5. 5
    • Assessing and Programming In-Season - (09:40)

    • In Season Pitch Usage Adjustments - (07:26)

    • In-Season Pitching Adjustments - (07:51)

    • In Season Long Toss for a Starter - (07:55)

    • In Season Long Toss for a Reliever - (06:39)

    • Incorporating Command Work In-Season - (09:45)