What's Inside?

Coaches know that training youth hitters can be a challenge. Hitting is one of the most challenging things to do in sports, and younger players are learning how to move their bodies through growth spurts while balancing time in other sports. Because hitting is difficult, we also need to make sure we appropriately balance a youth player's training time with effective drills that are also fun.

  • Driveline's principles to what we focus on and how we train youth hitters
  • How you can teach approach and swing decisions to youth hitters
  • Different ways that you can work on pitch recognition with younger players
  • Dive into youth bats and how they can affect performance
  • The Pro's and Con's of working with younger players on the tee
  • Principles in how you can manage youth workload as two-way players since nearly all youth players play both ways
  • Learn how we can adjust and work with different mechanical flaws for youth players
  • Deal with issues such as a severe uppercut swing, a chop down swing, and a down and around swing

This mini-course is focused on the basics of youth hitting drills and mechanics. After watching this mini-course, coaches will understand drills they can prescribe to improve a player's swing and principles in organizing a youth hitters training.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Principles of Training Youth Hitters - (17:33)

    • Principles of Training Youth Hitters Quiz

    • Youth Hitting Approach - (12:28)

    • Youth Hitting Approach Quiz

    • Training Swing Decisions for Youth Hitters - (12:01)

    • Training Swing Decisions Quiz

    • Youth Bats Part 1 - (07:23)

    • Youth Bats Part 2 - (08:04)

    • Youth Bats Quiz

    • Training Pitch Recognition - (10:04)

    • Training Pitch Recognition Youth Quiz

    • Dealing with Swings and Misses - (10:43)

    • Dealing with Swings and Misses Quiz

    • Youth Baseball - Pros and Cons of Tee Work - (10:57)

    • Youth Pros and Cons of Tee Work Quiz

    • Training Velocity With Youth Hitters - (12:19)

    • Training for Velocity as a Youth Hitter Quiz

  2. 2
    • Two Way Youth Player Workload Part 1 - (08:47)

    • Two way Player Workload Part 1 Quiz

    • Two Way Player Workload Part 2 - (08:51)

    • Two way Player Workload Part 2 Quiz